How I Can Help You

Stress Management
Stress can impact all aspects of life including sleep, diet, relationships and physical health.

Depression Treatment
Depression is amongst the most common mental health challenges faced by Canadians.

Anxiety Treatment
Anxiety issues can severely impact daily life and can include panic, OCD, social anxiety and generalized anxiety.

Self-harming typically begins in the teenage years and can continue on into adulthood.

Social Media & Technology Dependency Therapy
There is a difference between balanced and unhealthy when our lives are affected by the emotional, social and psychological impact of our technology use.

Couples Counselling
It is important for couples at all stages of relationships to learn healthy strategies for working through conflicts.

Family Adjustment Therapy
When families change, it is important to maintain healthy relationships and boundaries to help all members of the family adjust.

Self-Esteem & Bullying Counselling
Building self-esteem in young people is the best protector against future challenges in relationships, school, work, and mental health.

Children & Youth Therapy
Being creative in your approach to therapy allows people of all ages to engage in the process of developing emotional intelligence.

Trauma Therapy
Traumatic experiences left unprocessed can continue to negatively impact your well-being for many years.

Pregnancy & Postpartum Therapy
Up to 15% of Canadian women struggle with Postpartum Depression & Anxiety.

Substance Abuse & Addictions
Using substances as a way to cope with everyday challenges puts people at risk for developing severe addiction issues.

Gaming Disorder Treatment
Gaming Disorder occurs when someone is preoccupied with their games despite negative consequences in their school/work, relationships, sleep, nutrition, etc.